Flavor: Taste of the Fruit of the Spirit
“You will know them by their fruits.” Maybe you’ve heard that phrase before. It’s an adaptation of a famous saying of Jesus. Essentially it means that our character is revealed through the fruit that our lives produce. That doesn’t mean we have to have it all together, or that struggles are somehow a sign of failure. It means that in the midst of struggle our character and faith is often revealed. So what does the character of a Jesus follower look like? Join us this summer as we explore that question and find out what good fruit a life in the Spirit produces!
Sermon Schedule
Text for the Series: Gal 5:13-26 (NRSV)
- July 7 — Love — Dave Swaim
- July 14 — Faithfulness — George Cladis
- July 21 — Kindness — Taylor Burgoyne
- July 28 — Peace — Dave Swaim
- August 4 — Joy — Tammy Swanson-Draheim
- August 11 — Patience — Richard Lee
- August 18 — Generosity — Meghan DeJong
- August 25 — Self-Control — John Mury
- September 1 — Gentleness — Dave Swaim
Series Companion Guide
Deepen your learning with prayer and reflection prompts that accompany the sermons. These can be used individually or in groups.
Sunday Sermon Discussion
Every Sunday an open small group gathers via Zoom at 11am ET to discuss that week’s sermon. This group will gather in lieu of an Online small group for this sermon series.
Supporting Resources