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Worship With Us Online or In Person



Our Sunday worship services are central spaces for fellowship and faith formation. We gather to hear from God through the Bible and teaching, highlight communal concerns, and explore tough questions together.


As often as possible, all congregations hear the same sermon each week – whether preaching in person or on screen. Did we mention that solidarity is one of our values? Studying the same Bible passage is one way that we practice solidarity.

Join the Conversation

Discuss what you are learning with others! Join a sermon discussion group or other small group or chat with the Highrock Online congregation via Zoom at 11:00am ET on Sundays.

Note: If the video player below links you to a “premiere,” simply visit the full playlist on YouTube to find the latest published worship service.


Current Series

April 7 – May 26, 2024

Deep: Moving Beyond Shallow Spirituality

We are assaulted with anxiety. Breaking news alerts, horror story headlines, political outrage, global crises – not to mention the challenges of everyday life! But do you ever feel like when you dip into your spiritual wells to deal with these difficulties, you come up short? You read the Bible, pray, go to church, give, and serve, but something seems to be missing. Your spiritual life feels too shallow to deal with the anxieties of our age. If that’s you, you’re not alone! So many of us have separated our spiritual life from our emotional and relational life. We ignore sadness and fear, avoid conflict, live beyond our limits, hide parts of ourselves from God and others, and more. But life doesn’t have to be this way. We believe that God is inviting us to move beyond shallow spirituality to a deeper experience of emotional and spiritual health that will lead to true joy and flourishing. We would love for you to join us this spring as we go deeper together!

recent worship services

July 7, 2024


June 30, 2024

Relationship With Power

June 23, 2024

Unexpected Neighbors