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Kingdom Life

Luke: Kingdom Life

“New year, new you.” But more often than not, we end the year feeling pretty similar. We want to change, we want to grow, but it’s hard to break out of our old habits and patterns. So when we see how Jesus invites us to follow him in exciting, radical, fulfilling ways, we might be interested but also apprehensive. What if it doesn’t “work”? What if we fall back into those same old ways of living? This winter, we are going to start the year on a different foot. As we continue exploring the Gospel of Luke, we’ll put the teachings of Jesus into practice together, taking different steps each week so that we can replace those old habits with new ones. We hope you’ll join us, not just to learn about life in Jesus’ Kingdom, but to experience that life yourself!

Luke: Kingdom Life is the second of three series spanning from Advent to Easter.

Sermon Schedule

  1. December 31 — Mind the Gap (Luke 3:1-14) — Walt Quick
  2. January 7 — Jesus Reads from Isaiah (Luke 4:14-30) — Meghan DeJong
  3. January 14 — New Wine (Luke 5:27-39) — Dave Swaim
  4. January 21 — Blessings and Woes (Luke 6:17-26) — John Mury
  5. January 28 — The Faith of the Centurion (Luke 7:1-10) — Walt Quick
  6. February 4 — The Bleeding Woman (Luke 8:41-48) — Dave Swaim
  7. February 11 — The Feeding of the 5,000 (Luke 9:1-20) — Meghan DeJong

Series Companion Guide

Deepen your learning with prayer and reflection prompts that accompany the sermons, which can be used individually or in groups.

Series Companion Guide (PDF)

In-Person Small Group

Connect with others on Wednesdays, January 3-February 14, from 7:00-8:30 pm at Highrock Arlington, in the Kidsrock large group room. We are going to lean into a variety of spiritual practices led by Highrock Spiritual Guides, as well as spend time discussing the sermons and praying for one another. This small group will be co-led by Pastor Kim Roberts and Joan Strodel.

Register for the in-person small group

Online Small Group

Connect with others on Thursdays, January 4-February 15, from 7:30-9:00 pm ET via Zoom. We’ll discuss the sermons and pray for one another. This small group will be led by Pastor John Mury.

Register for the Online small group

Sunday Sermon Discussion

Every Sunday an open small group gathers via Zoom at 11am ET to discuss that week’s sermon.

Learn more and find the Zoom link