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Kingdom Costs

Luke: Kingdom Costs

The word passion means to love something so much that you are willing to suffer for it. Throughout the Gospel of Luke, we see Jesus willing to suffer for the things that he loves, and this willingness will eventually culminate in the Cross. This Lent we will consider, do we love the Kingdom of God like Jesus does? Would we allow that love to grow so that we also would be willing to pay the kind of costs that Jesus pays? Wherever you are on your faith journey, we hope you will join us as we reflect on Jesus’s great love for us, and how that love might compel us to pay great costs in response.

Luke: Kingdom Costs is the third of three series spanning from Advent to Easter.

Sermon Schedule

  1. February 18 — The Cost of Following Jesus ( Luke 9:23-25, 57-62) — Dave Swaim
  2. February 25 — Anti-Hero (Good Samaritan) (Luke 10:25-37) — Taylor Burgoyne
  3. March 3 — The Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-26) — Walt Quick
  4. March 10 — The Lost Son (Luke 15:11-31) — Dave Swaim
  5. March 17 — The Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1-15) — Taylor Burgoyne
  6. March 24 — Palm Sunday (Luke 19:28-44) — John Mury

Series Companion Guide

Deepen your learning with prayer and reflection prompts that accompany the sermons, which can be used individually or in groups.

Series Companion Guide (PDF)

In-Person Small Group

Connect with others on Wednesdays, February 21-April 3, from 7:00-8:30 pm at Highrock Arlington, in the Kidsrock large group room. We’ll spend time discussing the sermons and praying for one another. This small group will be led by Pastor Kim Roberts.

Register for the in-person small group

Sunday Sermon Discussion

Every Sunday an open small group gathers via Zoom at 11am ET to discuss that week’s sermon. This group will gather in lieu of an Online small group for this sermon series.

Learn more and find the Zoom link