Expecting: Awaiting the Birth of Jesus
Waiting is hard, it’s uncomfortable and most of us don’t particularly enjoy it. It’s why so much of our modern life is built to make things go faster and be more comfortable. Faster internet, heated seats, same-day delivery, instant messaging, drive-thrus, the list goes on and on. However, what if in all of our attempts to make things faster and easier, we’re missing something important? This Advent season we’re taking time to intentionally sit in a posture of waiting, but not idle waiting, expectant waiting, the type of waiting where we know and trust that what we’re waiting for is one hundred percent worth it!
In the season of Advent, as we eagerly await the birth of Jesus we step into a posture of solidarity with those who went before us and waited for Jesus’ birth over 2000 years ago. We do this because we too are waiting for Jesus. By remembering that Jesus has kept his promises in the past we are encouraged to wait with expectant hope as we eagerly anticipate his final return to make all things new. We hope you join us for this season of remembering God’s faithfulness and leaning into hope!
Sermon Schedule
- December 1 — Waiting (Isaiah 64:1-9) — Taylor Burgoyne
- December 8 — Comfort (Isaiah 40:1-11) — Dave Swaim
- December 15 — Liberation (Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11) — Meghan DeJong
- December 22 — Rejoice (Luke 1:46b-55) — John Mury
- December 24 — Incarnation (Luke 2:1-22) — Dave Swaim
Series Companion Guide
Deepen your learning with prayer and reflection prompts that accompany the sermons. These can be used individually or in groups.
In-Person Small Group
Connect with others on Wednesdays, Dec 4-11-18, from 7:00-8:30 pm at Highrock Arlington, in the Kidsrock wing. We’ll spend time discussing the sermons and praying for one another. This small group will be led by Pastor Kim Roberts.
Sunday Sermon Discussion
Every Sunday an open small group gathers via Zoom at 11am ET to discuss that week’s sermon. This group will gather in lieu of an Online small group for this sermon series.