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The Coming Kingdom

Luke I: The Coming Kingdom: Series Companion Guide

Download the series companion guide for “Luke I: The Coming Kingdom”

What is it that you’re waiting for? Peace, in a time of confusion and struggle? Hope, during a season of discouragement and despair? Healing, for places of sickness and pain? Our world is filled with people who are waiting for things to be different because we are so tired of the way the world often works. But the hope of the Advent season—the weeks leading up to Christmas—is that God is coming to make things new. God is making a new world, a new Kingdom, where we won’t have to wait any longer. The life we yearn for will be here. We hope you join us this Advent as we begin an exploration of the Gospel of Luke, and are reminded that the birth of Jesus is good news of great joy for all people.

Luke: The Coming Kingdom was the first of three series spanning from Advent to Easter.

Sermon Schedule

  1. December 3, 2023 — The Great Reversal (Luke 1:1-17) — Walt Quick
  2. December 10, 2023 — Mary, Did You Know? (Luke 1:26-33) — John Mury
  3. December 17, 2023 — The Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) — Meghan DeJong
  4. December 24, 2023 — The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-20) — Dave Swaim