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Services premiere Sundays at 7:00am ET

Online Congregation

We are an online community! Fill out the connect card to let us know you’re here and how you’re doing each week, or join us at 11:00am ET on Zoom after the service to discuss the sermon with other attendees. Families are welcome to access our Kidsrock materials, updated weekly.

Worship on YouTube Sermon Discussion Zoom

Highrock at Home

“Highrock Online started in 2020 as a way to stay connected as a community through the isolation of the Coronavirus Pandemic. The Online community offered access to church regardless of geography, access to transportation, disability, or predictability of schedule. Even as some have returned to worshiping in person, the Online congregation continues to blossom as a digital gathering space for fellowship and faith formation for people across the country. It’s exciting to see how far we have come and to dream about where this Online congregation is going! We hope this community will equip people to be the Church in their local communities, extending the love of Jesus into neighborhoods worldwide.”

– Pastor Meghan DeJong

What’s going on in the our Community