What does it mean to believe something? Is it agreeing with facts and information? A gut feeling? Blind faith? “I believe” is the opening line of the Apostles’ Creed, one of the earliest statements of faith in the Christian church. It speaks to the character and work of God, the life of Jesus, the church, the hope of new life, and more. But what does it mean to believe in those things? Is it about mere agreement or something more? This fall, we will consider how the Creed invites us beyond belief and into a dynamic, life-changing relationship with the God whose promises are worth believing, and who calls us to make promises of our own.
Every Sunday an open small group gathers via Zoom at 11am ET to discuss that week’s sermon.
Discuss what you’re learning with others! Led by Highrock pastors and staff, this eight-week online small group will meet on Zoom Thursday nights from 7:30-8:30 pm ET, beginning Thursday, September 14.
Those looking to connect in person rather than Online can join the small group hosted by Highrock Arlington, meeting at 14 Mill St. in Arlington on Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:30pm ET, beginning Wednesday, September 13.
Deepen your learning with prayer and reflection prompts that accompany the sermons, which can be used individually or in groups.
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