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Deep: Moving Beyond Shallow Spirituality

Deepen your learning with prayer and reflection prompts that accompany the sermons.

Series Companion Guide (PDF)

We are assaulted with anxiety. Breaking news alerts, horror story headlines, political outrage, global crises – not to mention the challenges of everyday life! But do you ever feel like when you dip into your spiritual wells to deal with these difficulties, you come up short? You read the Bible, pray, go to church, give, and serve, but something seems to be missing. Your spiritual life feels too shallow to deal with the anxieties of our age. If that’s you, you’re not alone! So many of us have separated our spiritual life from our emotional and relational life. We ignore sadness and fear, avoid conflict, live beyond our limits, hide parts of ourselves from God and others, and more. But life doesn’t have to be this way. We believe that God is inviting us to move beyond shallow spirituality to a deeper experience of emotional and spiritual health that will lead to true joy and flourishing. 

Sermon Schedule (all dates 2024)

  1. April 7 — The Crisis of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality ( 1 Samuel 15:10-31) — Dave Swaim
  2. April 14 — Know and Become Your Authentic Self in Christ (1 Samuel 17:12-40) — Dave Swaim
  3. April 21 — Family of Origin (Gen 44:13-34) — John Mury
  4. April 28 — Letting Go of Power and Control (Phil 4:4-7, 11b-13) — Taylor Burgoyne
  5. May 5 — Embracing Grief and Loss (Psalm 23) — Dave Swaim
  6. May 12 — Silence and Sabbath to Slow Down for Jesus (Mark 6:30-32) — Dave Swaim
  7. May 19 — Live out of Singleness or Marriage (1 Cor 7:1-11) — Walt Quick
  8. May 26 — Grow Into an Emotionally Healthy Adult (Col.3:9-17) — Meghan DeJong

Supporting Resources

Chapters within Peter Scazzero’s Emotionally Healthy Spirituality book series correspond with the ideas shared throughout this sermon series.