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Behind the Curtain: Secrets of the Seven Churches of Revelation

Deepen your learning with prayer and reflection prompts that accompany the sermons.

Series Companion Guide (PDF)

Do you ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes, if the hype matches reality, or if it’s all just smoke and mirrors? In Revelation we get a peek behind the curtain and at the spiritual health of seven New Testament churches. Jesus gives his direct and honest feedback. Some of the Churches are healthy and thriving – they are doing a great job of loving their neighbors as themselves. Other churches, however… well not so much. If Jesus were to look behind the curtain of our Church, our families, and our lives, what kind of things might he want to say to us? Are there secrets we’d rather not have come to light? The good news is that when Jesus shines a light on the broken parts of our lives he does so not to shame us or condemn us, but to encourage us to be well! 

Sermon Schedule (all dates in the year 2024)

  1. October 13 — Ephesus (Rev 2:1-7) — Dave Swaim
  2. October 20 — Pergamum (Rev 2:12-17) — Meghan DeJong
  3. October 27 — Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11) — John Mury
  4. November 3 — Sardis (Rev 3:1-6) — Dave Swaim
  5. November 10 — Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29) — Taylor Burgoyne
  6. November 17 — Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13)— Richard Lee
  7. November 24 — Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22) — John Mury