Sunday service at Highrock is a place to rejoice, revive, and rest. A place where messy and broken people come to encounter a loving God who desires to heal and transform. A place where we find strength in following Christ. A place where we can find hope, encouragement, and laughter. We worship through songs, stories, and a message. We value relevance while adhering to centuries-old Christian traditions, and incorporate both ancient and contemporary elements in our worship.
Join in person at one of our congregations in the greater Boston area, or join a Zoom chat at 11:00am on Sundays to interact with other Highrockers online. Want to study the sermon or Scripture passage? Check out the searchable archive on our Sermons page.
Have a question or comment about the online service? Then join Highrock Online Director Abby Rice and others from the Highrock Online team for a Small Group discussion over Zoom immediately following service. All are welcome!
Join Pastors John and Dave and other Highrock staff each weekday morning for a short devotional on a passage from the Bible. Head to YouTube at 5:00am ET or catch it later during your coffee break!