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Middle School Ministry

The middle school years are full of excitement and change as students transition from being “kids” to “youth.” It is a time of personal discovery, crisis, increased social and self-awareness, and a journey of discovering how to relate to God and others. The Middle School Community welcomes all students in 6th – 8th grade, their parents/guardians, and their Small Group leaders to walk through this pivotal time together.

The Middle School Community is committed to living out Highrock’s strategy of connecting personally to God, God’s people, and God’s purposes. Each week middle school students are invited to connect to God through worship, spiritual disciplines, and Christ-centered teaching. Students are encouraged to connect to God’s people by having fun together and experiencing life-giving relationships with each other. Finally, we empower students to connect to God’s purposes by giving them age-appropriate opportunities to use their unique gifts to serve the Church, their peers, their communities, and the world!

Details by Congregation

Youth Group Meetings

Middle School Youth Group meets regularly during the school year. A typical meeting hosts 35-50 students gathering together to hang out, play games and enjoy some snacks. We close out with a brief message, worship or spiritual practice and end with small groups that are organized by grade and are split by boys and girls. Each Small Group is led by a team of adults and older teens who are trained, love Jesus, and love middle schoolers. Bring a friend!

  • Middle School Youth Group meets in Arlington on Friday nights from 7:00-9:00pm ET at 735 Massachusetts Ave. (the former building for Highrock Arlington).

    Arlington calendar event
  • Join us for Middle School Community Worship Gatherings on Sunday mornings at 10:00am during service in the teen room (students are dismissed during service).

    Middle School Youth Group meets on the first Sunday of each month from 3:00-5:00pm ET at the church.

Ministry Philosophy

Learn more about Highrock's Middle School ministry philosophy!

  • Community. Curiosity. Compassion.

    We desire to walk with students as they discover (or rediscover) a God who deeply loves and knows them, a community who values and accepts them, and a purpose that invites them to faithfully follow Jesus and passionately serve His Kingdom in a way that inspires others to do the same.

  • Identity. Belonging. Purpose.

    Our vision is for every Middle School Student to enter into High School with an identity taking root in Christ, a Christ-centered group of friends and adults with whom to “do life together”, and life-giving practices that equip them to be faithful so that they can passionately pursue opportunities to serve and share the Kingdom of God within their circles of influence.

  • The ABC’s of Highrock Middle and High School Ministry

    Affirmation (Honesty)

    Freed from shame by God’s grace, we offer one another truth and our true selves, both our weaknesses and strengths by reminding one another of our true identity as God’s children; we communicate acceptance and value by consistently encouraging one another with our thoughts, words and actions.

    Belonging (Hospitality)

    Compelled by God’s love, we remove barriers in order to welcome all people into God’s community. We join in a relationship with others in a community marked by love, joy, warmth and forgiveness.

    Christ-Centeredness (Humility)

    Awed by God’s grandeur and mystery, we depend on God fully while holding convictions humbly. Captivated by God’s self-revelation, we seek wisdom by asking questions, wrestling with Scripture, and learning from many voices. We center our hope in Christ by trusting and obeying His Word seeking to do justice, live humbly and love mercy.

    Safe (Curiosity)

    We work towards building a culture of trust, transparency, and vulnerability where students can ask questions, express their doubts, and be curious in safe relationships and spaces.


    Inspired by the passion of Jesus, we share the burdens of others, and put love into action. We actively participate in the body of Christ, using the gifts God has given to serve those in the church and outside of it.

  • Be Present

    Connect their faith to a community.

    Create a Safe Place

    Clarify their faith as they grow.

    Partner with Parents

    Nurture an every day faith.

    Make it Personal

    Inspire their faith by example.

    Move Them out

    Engage their faith in a bigger story.

  • For your convenience, the Middle and High School Ministry Philosophy can be downloaded in printer-friendly PDF form.

    Download PDF

Parent Partnership

Parents and Guardians have a vital role to play! And at Highrock we are committed to supporting you, too. We partner with parents and guardians through our Milestones program. At each of your child’s key transitions and spiritual milestones, we offer resources, instruction, and support in raising a Jesus-loving generation.

For families with children experiencing disability, we encourage you to explore our church’s AccessAbility Community Group, which is dedicated to including and supporting those experiencing disability and their families in the full life of the church.

Parents of teens are invited to join our Facebook Community to connect with one another through dialogue, explore relevant and helpful content, and engage in discipleship together as a community of parents.

Parents/Guardians, as your child(ren)’s biggest influence, you are encouraged to follow along with what your middle schoolers are learning: continue those conversations at home, encourage your middle schoolers in their discipleship journey, and share your own faith journey with them so that you can grow together.


Contact Us



Have questions or want to get involved? Contact Middle School Pastor Michael Taber at