Whether a condition is physical, developmental, or mental, our team works across all ministries to bring people experiencing disability into Highrock’s mission of personal connection to God, others, and the community. We do this not just by enabling physical access but also through personal involvement via:
In order to best serve individuals with disabilities and their families, the AccessAbility Team invites anyone with a need to fill out the appropriate form below. The information submitted is confidential and will be viewed by the AccessAbility ministry leaders only. The team will connect with you shortly after submission.
The AccessAbility team has put together a resource for those interested in making their ministries more inclusive of those with disabilities. Highrock’s Welcome Team is specifically trained in this area, but anyone is welcome and encouraged to read the Guide and discover how they or their group may become more accommodating and welcoming.
The AccessAbility Prayer Group offers up prayers for those experiencing disability and their families, especially during the current Covid-19 crisis. Can we pray for you? If you or someone you know has a special prayer petition please contact us so we can lift our hearts to the Lord on your behalf.
For more information about AccessAbility or to get involved please email accessability@highrock.org