Through a form of learning that values humility and curiosity, we strive to become informed followers of Jesus, to encourage solidarity amongst one another and with the marginalized, and to reflect together on next-steps for discipleship.
While each session differs, we usually begin by hearing from a speaker (e.g. an author, a guest speaker, or a testimony from a group participant) for about 15 minutes in the form of a casual interview. This is often followed up with a Question-and-Answer session between the speaker and group participants (you can submit questions and keep a conversation going in the chat). During the last part of the session we use Zoom breakout groups to discuss reflections on that session’s topic (in your breakout groups, you’re encouraged to draw from the pre-distributed reading or video, or comment on what the speaker shared, etc.). These groups are smaller, around 4-6 people, and discussion questions are provided.
No! Theology Lab discussions are free, sponsored by Highrock Online.
Yes. All we ask is that you do the reading of 20-30 pages (or watch the assigned video) beforehand, and come with a spirit of curiosity.
No. However, there is a general progression in the sessions so attending as many as you can is encouraged. If you can’t make a session you’re invited to share some of your personal reflections on the reading/video for a specific session with your breakout group (i.e., an email with a few sentences or bullet points).
Yes! Videos of the 2022-2023 Theology Lab series on “American Evangelicalism” can be found in this YouTube playlist.
Watch here